Who we are & what we do
Parish meetings were initially known as 'the Vestry' these meetings were replaced by the formation of Parish Councils. Weston on Trent Parish Council was formed in a meeting held in the School Room at 6-30pm on 4th December 1894 and has continued to meet every month until the present day.
In the early years the Rector was chairman and members consisted of local farmers. It was much later the council became more representative of the village and much of the business discussed then is familiar today, inadequate bus service, increased traffic, village bench, trees on the green etc. We are very proud of our village history and work towards maintaining that while moving forward on current issues.
What we do today
The council meet on the third Monday of every month at 7-30pm in the Village Hall on Trent Lane. Notice of the meeting and agenda are placed in the notice boards in the village and on the website. Members of the public are welcome to attend and raise issues or concerns in the Public Participation section of the meeting.
The Annual General Meeting is held May.
There are seven members of the council, each member is a volunteer officer for outside bodies relevant to current issues.
- Sand & Gravel
- Donington Park Race Track Liaison Forum
- Website
- Footpaths
- Planning Applications.
- Safer Neighbourhood Watch Regional Meetings
- SAVE - Save Aston and Weston Villages Environment.
In all of these we aim to consider and comment as appropriate on all matters and report back to the council (see section links below for additional detail).
The council also looks after Weston on Trent's green spaces, including the play areas, allotments, village green, triangle in Park Lane and the historic finger post and grass triangle in Trent Lane.
- Councillors
A list of our councillors along with contact information and which committees they are on.
- Committees
List of our committees and what they do. With links to the agendas and minutes for each committee.
Our committees have specific tasks and can have delegated powers.
Our Staff
As a small Parish Council we are supported by an appointed Parish Clerk and utilise the Village Hall (first floor) meeting room for all meetings. The clerk can be contacted using the contact details found on this website, by phone or email. If you have a problem to report, this can also be done online.
Parish Clerk
- Telephone
- 01332 792683
- clerk@westonontrent.com